

This is the list of classes for Strawberry Raid in order of category.

Some of these classes have set attendance numbers and/or a small charge for materials. Once the signup goes live (Wednesday 22nd May at 18:00 Irish Time), you can book classes.


Story telling or singing but nerves get in the way?
with Viscountess Susannah of York
Have you ever wanted to sing or tell a story in a bardic circle or during a feast, but lack the confidence to try? Then this is the class for you. visualization, preparation, breathing and calming the nerves all included.
Class Limit: 5 people

Dancing: for Culture, Prowess, or Flirting?
with Varakreivitär Kareina Talventytär
The SCA encourages all of its members “to have made every effort to learn and practice those skills desirable at and worthy of a civilized court” (especially those who would advance to the highest ranks; see Coropra section VIII. A. I. g.). Of these skills dance is one of the most important ones listed. Why? Because dancing is not only an opportunity to practice cultural ritual, it also increases our coordination and stamina (thereby increasing our prowess on and off the field), and it is even a perfect opportunity to become better acquainted with potential flirting partners. Come join us for a session of dances from a handful of times and locations in Europe. No experience necessary, and the difficulty level of the dances undertaken will be adapted to the wishes and abilities of the dancers participating. Flirting not required.
Class Limit: None


Viking age cooking Ireland
with THL Meadhbh Rois Ineagh Ui Chaoimh
Based on archaeology digs, taking food and making food associated with Viking times in Ireland.
Class Limit: None

Meal planning and running a kitchen for breakfast, lunch and dinner
with Baroness Christine Bess Duvaunt OL
Meal planning can often be daunting. Some people really want to do it and get involved, but they don’t know where to start. Learn tips and tricks, quantities and helpful ways to make something scary into something awesome and doable.
Class Limit: None

The Many Flavours of Salt
with Mistress Lissette de la Rose OP
A discussion on the factors that impact the taste of that ancient and revered mineral.
Class limit: 15

Practical cooking for a lunch….and you get to eat it!
with Baroness Christine Bess Duvaunt OL
Ever wanted to Learn how to do a delicious but simple lunch for events? Want to see how to organise the time and also how to make it? Come and make lunch on the Saturday, you will get all the notes, quantities, instructions and recipes to take away, as well as lunch!
Class Limit: 5
Charge: €5

All the Tea in China
with Maestra Damiana d’Onde
Join us in the Cafe for a little journey into China and the first teas imported into Europe. We will do a little Chinese tea ceremony, and taste a few different sorts of Black and Green tea. Food with History!
Class Limit: 10 people

The Ethiopian Coffee Trail
with Maestra Damiana d’Onde
Join us in the Cafe for a little journey into the land of Ethiopia which is thought to be the origin of Arabica coffee, and the voyage through Mocha into Turkey and then time travel forward to Europe. We will do a little Ethiopian coffee ceremony, and taste coffee with cardamon. Food with History!
Class Limit: 10 people

Food of the Gods - Hot Chocolat in 1591
with Maestra Damiana d’Onde
join us in the Cafe to experience xocolatl (“Chocolat”) in 1591 when first being brought to Europe from Mexico. The first recipes used “New World” ingredients and then quickly incorporated sugar and other Old World spices. Food with History!
Class Limit: 10 people

C&I and Bookbinding

Go thick, Gothick: textura quadrata
with Dame Lyonet de Covenham OL
Why is a 14th Century prayer book like a cathedral? Why are there serifs? How do I make my textura quadrata (or textura precissa) better? Answers to these questions — and many more — are on offer in this class. If you have quills or a penknife, do bring them along, as well as your favourite ink.
Class Limit: None

Coptic Bookbinding Workshop
with Noble Mallymkun Rauði
A hands-on workshop on Coptic Bookbinding where you will make an A6 note/sketchbook.
Class Limit: 10 people
Charge: €5 each for materials

Hedgebothering for pigment making
with THL Órlaith Chaomhánach
In this class I will demonstrate some of the plants that can be used to extract colour from to make pigment lakes, we will also be demonstrating the beginning part of the process up to filtration. The final step - drying - can be started but the material is unlikely to be dried enough for final product to be seen before we head home, but it will be underway at least.
Class Limit: 8 people

Get that medieval look
with Mistress Oriane d’Avallon
Lots of tips & tricks so your scroll looks like a page out of a medieval manuscript. Will include Pimp your Nib.
Class Limit: 12


Captured colour - make a glass bead
with THL Órlaith Chaomhánach
Try your hand at flameworking a glass bead to add to your collection, learn a little about what the Vikings liked , including what makes Diblin beads different from Danish beads? What was added to glass to make the bright colours? Since they didn’t have gas torches, what did they have? How do you make eyes and twists? this is a hands on workshop that should allow you to make at least one bead I. Colours you choose.
Class Limit: 6 people at any one time
Charge: Donation box in the class


Drop spindle demonstration
with Lady Kytte of the Lake
Come and see how to prepare your fleece and to then spin your fibre.
Class Limit: 6 people
Might have spindles for sale

The colours of Ireland
with THL Órlaith Chaomhánach
What colours did we wear in Ireland and how were they achieved? This workshop will introduce you to some of the dyestuffs that were used in period in medieval Ireland and let you play around to recreate these colours, and more, with different mordanted yarn and modifiers.
Class Limit: 10 people

Spinning wool and/ or flax on spindles
with Milady Eibhlís af Luimneach
Eibhlís will show you how to spin wool on a suspended spindle. Then for those who want an extra challenge we will try spinning flax into linen thread.
Class Limit: 10 people
Will have spindles for sale at €10 each

Drafting Designs for Tablet Weaving Based on Extant Examples
with Mistress Catherine Weaver OL In this class we will cover the skills needed to determine the tablet threading and turning sequence of a tablet woven band, with particular reference to my work on an Egyptian band held by the Glyptoteket in Copenhagen. Some prior knowledge of the mechanics of tablet weaving would be helpful.
Class Limit: 8 people

Late Period Knit Jackets An Exploration
with Baroness Mistress Morwynna Cryw
A study and discussion of the Elizabethan/Jacobean colorwork knit jackets and recreating them.
Class Limit: 20 people

Brocaded Tablet Weaving: A Guilty Pleasure
with Mistress Catherine Weaver OL
In this class we will look at some of the ways you can introduce brocade into your tablet weaving, with examples drawn from a variety of extant examples. We will also look at controlling your metallic brocade weft to make it easier to work with and improving the appearance of the final band.
Class Limit: 8 people
Will have some metallic threads suitable for brocade available to purchase

Weaving on and off a loom
with Milady Eibhlís af Luimneach
In this class you will weave a mug rug on a Rigid heddle loom and learn how to finish it off with the hemstitch. There will also be weaving on weaving sticks to make a bracelet and you can try out weaving on peglooms.
Class Limit: 8 people

Make a nålbinding hat, mittens or neck cowl
with Baroness Melisende Fitzwalter OL
Keep warm at outdoor or winter events by making a nalbinding hat, gloves or cowl. Bring your preferred yarn (preferrably 100% wool, but blends and acrylic can be worked with too) and nalbinding needle (needles will be available to borrow and/or purchase). A basic knowledge of nalbinding will be an advantage, but beginners are welcome!
Class Limit: 6 people
Charges: No charge for class, but will have nålbinding needles available to puchase for €5 each

Introduction to tablet weaving
with Nadja of Dun in Mara
This class will give an introduction to tablet weaving - how it works mechanically, some (non-exhaustive) examples of its use in period, what you can do with it and how to read a pattern. Participants will set up their warp and begin weaving a band with a threaded pattern. We will all be making the same band (TBD which one).If you’ve never tablet woven before and want to give it a go, or you would like a refresher, this is the class for you. Weaving cards (enough for the pattern we will be making), other tools and warp and weft threads will be provided. I will have a few colour options for people to choose from.You do not need to bring anything, but if you have your own cards or small weaving shuttles, or you have a particular colour combination in mind and want to bring your own threads, you are welcome to. Also if you have an inkle loom that you are bringing to the event, feel free to bring that, it can be used for tablet weaving as well.
Class limit: 10 people

Beginners Bobbinlace
with Lady Marina Claudia Alessandra de Grado
Suitable for absolute beginners. You will learn the 4 main stitches which will be used to create a bookmark.
Class Limit: 5 people
Charges: €3 per person

The Insulae Draconis Fibre Arts Guild
with HH Princess Jahanara of Insulae Draconis
This class will cover the history of the guild, the rank structure, projects, how to participate, and an opportunity to give input!


The Imposter Phenomenon: Are you affected?
with Duchess Angharad Banadaspus Drakenhefd Do you wrestle with feelings of self-doubt? Are you afraid that people will discover that you’re not really as capable as they think you are? Do you use self-limiting language? Do you give credit to luck, timing or others for your accomplishments? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be afflicted with Imposter Phenomenon (also known as the Imposter Syndrome). Learn how to: become more aware of these behaviours, reframe the conversation in your head and with others, embrace your strengths and commit to a change that moves you forward. You are invited to engage in activities geared towards this phenomenon with other attendees, to work on changing your mindset and to develop strategies for becoming more confident in your endeavours.
Class Limit: 20 people

Evening Entertainment

Bardic Circles
Ad hoc Bardic gatherings held every evening in the Tower – no specific time, grab friends and go!

Peerage Symposium
with Dame Genevieve la Flechiere
So: why do we need peers, exactly? I Have Views. Do you have views? Come chat over a drink. BYO seating. Wine provided.
Class Limit: None

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