Greetings, Archers of Dun in Mara and beyond. There will be no archery practice this Wednesday, as we have no available marshal to run the practice.
As this practice was to be the last for this year, I want to thank all those who attended the practice throughout the year. It was heartening to see new faces at practice, and even better to see many of those return, week after week.
My deep and sincere thanks to the the Dun in Mara archery marshals, Aodh, Aodhán and Alays, for the time you have given to facilitate archery in the shire.
I wish all archers, all in Dun in Mara, and all beyond the borders of the shire who follow and participate, a very restful and comfortable few weeks as we approach the end of the year.
Archery practice will resume in January on Wednesday the 23rd.
Wishing everyone all the very best, through the remains the year, and into the next.
Mícheál Breathnach Captain of Archers, Dun in Mara.